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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Update March 16 - Mike

I was with Mike yesterday and he looks fantastic.  His Pulmonologist came in and reduced his oxygen assist again and said he was doing great.  He is starting the paperwork for Medicare requesting a Cough Assist Machine at  home.  I finally met Dr. Chary, who was supposed to be his Dr all along but was on vacation Mike's first week there.  He said "looks like you are about to get out of here" and started talking about some different medications to start getting Mike back to is home meds and doses.  He is a little worried about his wound and getting that fixed but we will deal with that a little later after he gets home for a few weeks.  It may be wishful thinking but I am hoping for early next week for Mike to be home.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mike Update 05/05/11

Mike is doing very well, thank God.  He is in and out of his wheelchair every day and seems almost normal accept for the Tracheotomy.  His is still on the vent at night, but this is the next step in is total recovery.

I had a one on one meeting with his Dr yesterday and he explained everything in detail.  Mike no longer has Pneumonia.  He is on the ventilator to help support his breathing because he has been on it so long his lungs have become weak, and especially at night when you sleep your breathing becomes even more relaxed.  The vent helps keep his lungs expanded so the left one one start to collapse again. Not due to fluid, but due to it just not being strong enough at this point.  When the lung collapses and comes in contact with itself, that is when the mucus forms as a bodily reflex and that is what fills it up. 

Mike has chosen to go to the hospital in Washington, DC for the Vent Weaning Program.  We aren't sure when he will be transferred, but likely it will be soon.  I will let everyone know when it is a definite.

He is having withdrawal from not seeing and Red Sox games and now that he has a new hat courtesy of his Grandparents, he is even more anxious.  Check out the new picture.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Freinds Can Be the Best medicine

See the new pictures on the right of Mike this past Saturday when a group of freinds paid him a visit in the ICU.  He had a steak and cheese from Jerry's too. 

THANK YOU all so much for this visit.  You can't imagine how much it lifter Mike's spirits.


Sunday, May 1, 2011


Mike continues to maintain his current levels of Vent support and daytime breathing on his own with some oxgen added through his trach.  He has been able to decrease the amount of added oxygen in the past two days and still be able to m aintain his minumum of 90% saturation so that is an improvement.   Yesterday, thanks to Amanda, Mike had 8 people come to visit him in a group.  They got there about 4:30 and stayed until 8PM when his Mom came to visit.  They went  out and got hjim a steak and cheese which he devoured.  He was SO happy to see everyone.  I really was probably his best day in a long long time.

Mike had an upset stomach this morning so he didn't eat his breakfast and his back was really bothering him so his nurse was going to see if she could get him a little extra pain meds.  Otrherwise he ws doing well.

I went to University Medical Center, U of Maryland Medical School in Baltimore yesterday and it was "OK"  I seems as if the care would be close to the same and Johns Hopkins but I beleive the Wound Care at JHU is much better.  With Mike's pressure ulcer having regressed from all of the thime he had been in bed, this is one of the three major medical needs he has and will need treatment for. The weaning rate for Vent Weaning is higher than the national average, but less than JMU's nearly 100% rate. Also, the hospital itlself is very hard to get to. Of course this would be the last consideration after the medical things, but is still important because Mike's mental putlook is very important to getting better and being isolated  is something we would like to avoid if possible.  You need to navigate through the inner city if Baltimore to get to the hospital and the areas you need to travel through are not the safest in the city.  It really isnt near the major highways where you can jump on and off.

I am going to see Specialty Hospital Of Washington located on Capitol Hill in DC.  A very posh area in town for those of you who know the city.  We'll see how it goes there.

There is not definate time for his transfer, but I suspect if his health remains at least at the level it is now, once Mike makes his decision on where he wants to go, it will move fast.

I will be sure to let everyone know a soon as there is a plan in place for a move.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Mike's Update

Mike ws doing well today and is still about at the same place as far as his lung congestiona and the night time vent weaning.  He had another round of tests and does not have any infections wich is great.  He is eating and drinking good too, if the hosptial could ever get his order right.  I guess he is paying the prcie for being so fussy.

I asked his freinds Amanda and Jay to try to pull together a group visit by his freinds since he seemed to be getting down at the lack of progress he was making.  Amanda really came through and has a goos sized group hitting the hospital tomorrow afternoon!  Mike doesnt know they are comming, so I really think this is going to boost his spitits a LOT.  Way to go Amanda. 

The ICU team is preparing to discharge Mike to a Specialty Care Hospital since he has really received all the care he can at the Shady Grove ICU and now really just needs the vent weaning and care for his Pnuemonia until it is gone.  Because at some point, staying in the ICU is more a detriment than not due to all these differetn "super bugs" people can contract there like CDIF, Septic Blood infections, MERSA, and all kinds of worse respritory bugs than what he has it makes good sense to move him to one of these facilities.  Unfortunately the best of the bunch are not close.  2 are in Baltimore and one in DC on Capitol Hill.  These are excellent facilities for specialty care and offer both Hospital care for the Pnuemonia, Vent Weaning Programs for that, Intense Physical, Occupational therapy and Wound Care.  So all of his needs will be addressed AND he can come home from these hospitals rather than go to rehab in addition to this.

I went to Johns Hopkins Bayview Care Center this morning and toured the facility and spoke to some of the staff.  It was very impressive.

I have an appointment at 10 tomorrow morning to go to University Hospital Medical Center, University of Maryland to tour their facilities and see what is offered.  These two places are rated very high nationaly.

Monday I visit the Specialty Care Hospital of Washington, DC.  They are very highly accaimed in all areas and as a bonus, every room at this facility is PRIVATE.  At the others, it is about 50-50 and your getting a private room is based on a special need you may have, ot luck of the draw. 
All of the hosptals allow Mike to roam freely as he is able and have many places/areas inside and out where he can go with visitors or just get out and about the grounds.

We'll see how it all goes.

I will update on the selection process and any eta on Mike's moving from one facility to another.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Latest Update

Mike continues to remain the same.  He is still talking well, eating solids and only needs the vent during the evening.  This is good news of course, but we want to see improvement too, so he can get to rehab.  The plan now is that when he is stable in all other areas except the vent requirement they are going to have him moved to a Specialty Care Hospital.  Some of the tings that need to stablize are the secretions he continues to have.  For a time they seem to stop, but every so often they will kick in again and if not caught in time, could set him back again with his lung filling.  There is no real time table for this, just a wait and see.

The Specialty Car Hospital is still a full care facility but they are a step dopwn for a Hospital ICU Unit.  He would go there until he is weaned from the vent permanently and then to Rehab.  There are several facilities that are rated as excellent. For instance, Johns Hopkins and University Of Maryland Medical Center are reated #3 and #12 in the country for Pulmonary Medicine. They are both in Baltimore.

Other than that, they want Mike up in his chair at least once a day to help is lungs and to keep the status quo on everyting else.  His spirits are good, still, even though he is sick of the hospital and does at times have some "grey days" he continues to inspire and amaze me.  He never complains or whines or feels sorry for himself even with all the hardships he faces.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mike Comming Along

As you can see by the picture here things are improving!.  Mike got the tube out of his nose and has the peg in is stomach now and already his throat is better and he was drinking some fruit juice.  Talking is easier now too, and he talked with his sister Kim on the phone today. This picture was taken about 1 1/2 hours after the proceedure with the tube.  Except for the shiney face he looks prtty good.  They are still being cautious with him and keeping him on the vent at night just to be safe and I think it is a great idea.  The speech therapy Gestapo Lady has also lightend up on him since my argument with her 2 days ago and Mike is actually making better strides towards eating now that she let him get the tube removed first.  I'm not Dr., but it seems common sense would tell you it would be hard to swallow regular food with a feeding tube down your throat.  #$@!^**!!%@!
