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Friday, April 29, 2011

Mike's Update

Mike ws doing well today and is still about at the same place as far as his lung congestiona and the night time vent weaning.  He had another round of tests and does not have any infections wich is great.  He is eating and drinking good too, if the hosptial could ever get his order right.  I guess he is paying the prcie for being so fussy.

I asked his freinds Amanda and Jay to try to pull together a group visit by his freinds since he seemed to be getting down at the lack of progress he was making.  Amanda really came through and has a goos sized group hitting the hospital tomorrow afternoon!  Mike doesnt know they are comming, so I really think this is going to boost his spitits a LOT.  Way to go Amanda. 

The ICU team is preparing to discharge Mike to a Specialty Care Hospital since he has really received all the care he can at the Shady Grove ICU and now really just needs the vent weaning and care for his Pnuemonia until it is gone.  Because at some point, staying in the ICU is more a detriment than not due to all these differetn "super bugs" people can contract there like CDIF, Septic Blood infections, MERSA, and all kinds of worse respritory bugs than what he has it makes good sense to move him to one of these facilities.  Unfortunately the best of the bunch are not close.  2 are in Baltimore and one in DC on Capitol Hill.  These are excellent facilities for specialty care and offer both Hospital care for the Pnuemonia, Vent Weaning Programs for that, Intense Physical, Occupational therapy and Wound Care.  So all of his needs will be addressed AND he can come home from these hospitals rather than go to rehab in addition to this.

I went to Johns Hopkins Bayview Care Center this morning and toured the facility and spoke to some of the staff.  It was very impressive.

I have an appointment at 10 tomorrow morning to go to University Hospital Medical Center, University of Maryland to tour their facilities and see what is offered.  These two places are rated very high nationaly.

Monday I visit the Specialty Care Hospital of Washington, DC.  They are very highly accaimed in all areas and as a bonus, every room at this facility is PRIVATE.  At the others, it is about 50-50 and your getting a private room is based on a special need you may have, ot luck of the draw. 
All of the hosptals allow Mike to roam freely as he is able and have many places/areas inside and out where he can go with visitors or just get out and about the grounds.

We'll see how it all goes.

I will update on the selection process and any eta on Mike's moving from one facility to another.

1 comment:

Aunt Susan said...

Jeff, It sounds like MIke is almost ready to make a move to a new facility - the last one that offers private rooms sounds like a favorable choice. but Johns Hopkins and U of Maryland good places too. I'm sure you'll make the right choice for Mike. Even though this has been very slow and exasperating, Mike has shown once again how tough and strong he really is, and he will soon be home and spending time with his family and friends doing things he enjoys. I hope he gets there quickly. I am so happy to hear that Amanda has a group of friends visiting Saturday - Mike thrives when he's around his good friends. We continue to pray for Mike's health to improve and think of all of you everyday.