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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Today's Update

Mike has been doing good for the past two days and nights.  He has been able to talk with his "Passe Muier" Valve but the swallowing, although he can, is difficult due to the soreness of his throat. The Dr.'s have deciced put him on the vent only for th night time to prevent a relapse with the secretions filling the lung.  This is the CPAP version where it just supplies positive pressure to his lung so that no secretions can clog the opening to his lung and let it fill.  He is still breathing on his own and mostly with room air.  I see this as a positive thing and something I had hoped they would do the previous times.  It is great to hear Mikes voice after all this time.  Although down in the dumps he look good.  A special thanks to you who paid him a visit on Sunday.  It made his day.


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