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Monday, July 21, 2008


I loved this quote for Mike. He'll get stronger every day with his positive attitude and sense of humor.


“Courage takes many forms. There is physical courage, there is moral courage. Then there is a still higher type of courage–the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for the day ahead.”

Howard Cosell, sports announcer


Anonymous said...


You did find a beautiful and truthful quotation from Howard Cosell (Mike would have loved hearing his spirited sports commentary back in the day)- that can most certainly be true of Mike. He embodies the whole definition of courage and will continue to do so. We are in awe and admiration of him now and always as he continues his fight. Hope that Mike is having a better day today than the past few. Love always - Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Kim, thanks for the quote. This is Mike all the way!

Mike, you have certainly displayed a great deal of courage over the years, and that courage continues to shine through. You have proven time and time again to come out on top in both in good times and in bad. The two of us have had some great conversations over the years, especially with all those late nights in Boston bars, yet through it all you continue to smile and rise above all odds. I have always looked up to you and wish that we could have shared even more of those conversations. Although this may be a hard road to travel, I am more than confident you will reach the finish line on top! You're my big cousin Mike and there isn't anything in the world that can, or will, bring you down. I love you very much and wish every day that I could be closer to you (you remember I was always the one crying when we had to say goodbye). I hated being so far away and wish even more now that we lived closer. Please know I am thinking of you constantly and praying for your recovery.

Stay positive, keep fighting, and remember that it's okay to be scared at times...the unknown is supposed to be scary. It’s like the quote in the collage your friends made for you: "Feed your faith, and your fears will starve to death!”

Love you Tons,

Anonymous said...

Great quote.

Anonymous said...

I love that quote and it suits Mike and the way he is handling his injury. His courage is inspiring and I hope he continues his positive outlook throughout his difficult recovery. My whole day is filled with thoughts and prayers for Mike and all of you. I hope he improves a little each day after the rough week he had. I love him so much. Love to all,
Aunt Susan