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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mike today

I saw Mike today during his lunchtime and was pleased to see him eat on his own. The nurse places a brace-like fork holder on his arm and he can scoop the food up and eat on his own! He is getting pretty mobile in his chair and he said it was nice to fell that this offered him a little independance. He is pretty wiped out during the day which his PT says means he is getting a good work out. The PT, Jon, told our dad that Mike has a pretty strong upper body. MIke is looking foward to seeing all of his family this weekend, as he has grandparents, aunts, and cousins in town and of course, any friends who can make it! I put a new picture up of him in his chair.

I've received a few emails already about the calendar on his blog. This is just something for Mike's friends to help them spread their visits out. This does not need to be filled out in order to visit. Sorry for any confusion, but thanks to Shannon for establishing this so that Mike will have his visits a little more planned so he can spend some individual time with all of you! Visiting hours are from 11am-9pm daily, so feel free to stop by anytime.

Please note that this weekend the usual parking garage will be closed and we believe the one on the left as you turn toward the NRH will be available.



Anonymous said...


Thank you for this latest post letting us know how well Mike is doing (and that Jon, the physical therapist says how strong his upper body is!). The workouts are certainly exhausting Mike, but he is giving it all he's got - and that is alot! We are so happy to hear that he is eating on his own and gaining more and more independence with his custom chair. And man - does he look as handsome as ever in that new photo you posted! We hope to talk to Mike very soon (he is so busy!) - when he is up for it. Meantime, we are planning the next visit. Mike is with us in heart and mind every minute of every day. Enjoy the family visit this weekend and we'll be in touch. LOVE TO YOU MICHAEL and to all the family. Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ray

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update, I am happy to hear Mike feels a sense of independence! That is very important. I am anxious to get to D.C. to see him and how far he has already come since I last saw him. Love to all and keep the pictures coming :)

The Connelly's said...

We're so glad to hear that everything is going well and you are feeling more and more independent everyday. We are constantly thinking about you and praying for you. We love you so much!! Hang in there and keep up the hard work!!!!
All our love,
Crystal and Randy

Anonymous said...

Manny traded!?!?!? Mikey, what do you think about this? It was bound to happen sooner or later.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,
Glad to see that you are back home. Glad to here your spirits are high, then again, anyone who can work with Steve, Paul and me can take on anything! You are not forgotten and are one of the subjects at our 15 min. break (cough). Saw Brumby at the shop yesterday and filled me in on you and whats happening. See you very soon.

Shannon said...

Mike, it was so good to see you yesterday, you showed so many signs of improvement I was amazed.

I was especially excited to hear that your projected homecoming date is Sept 17th, this is such awesome news. Just keep working really hard and make the most out of the time you are there, which I know you will.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for always keeping us posted on the lastest news and update on Mike. Just wanted to let you know that we cannot wait to see you and we're going to
come and see you tomorrow!!!! How do you feel about the Red Sox trade? We feel great!(ha,ha) If you need us to bring you anything or if there is anything we can do let us know. I know you have Adam's # so call anytime. Can't wait to see ya! love Lish and Adam

Anonymous said...

Thank's for the updates, they sound very encouraging. Mike, too bad about Manny [lol]. See you soon.
Love, Angela and Mick

Anonymous said...

Just saying HI and that we're thinking of you! Keep working hard...we're real proud of you. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Lots of Love,
Robin and Yves

Anonymous said...

I want to thank all family and friends for being there for Mike. Every visit or card meens sooooo much to him. Let us all keep up the good spirit and smiles that help so much to Mike.

Anonymous said...

Mike is so loved and everyone is pulling for him to heal. Everyone! I only wish I could do more to help him. No matter how hard some days are, Mike will work to get back what he has lost. And we will all be there to help keep his spirits high, always. We love you Mike!!!! And love to Jean, Jeff, Kim and Erin.
Your Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

Mikey you're lookin' great it was so cool to see you Wed. afternoon, sorry your shower wasn't as "hot" as you wanted but you're clean as a whistle and ready to kick butt in rehab. I know you don't want to have to listen to Joe so I know you'll it hell in the gym.
Luv ya', man
Gary and Lori

Anonymous said...

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."

Mary Ann Radmacher