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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mike's Surgery

Mike is scheduled to have his surgery today around noon and is happy to be getting this taken care of as he sees it to be a step closer to home! The doctors say this is pretty standard for people with his injury and should be a minor procedure with him back to his routine by today's end. This will make self care at home easier for Mike and will prevent any infection or injury where the current catheter is. Hope to see everyone on September 9th!



JJ's Mommy said...

So glad this is getting taken care of, I know Mike was anxious. I hope it isn't you rough on him and he's back to his usual happiness. Any idea when he will no longer need to wear the neck brace? Have they even set an estimated date on that yet? I can't wait to see you guys on Sept 9th :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the surgery is happening today - as scheduled. It was the first thing Mike mentioned when we saw him on Monday. He should weather this procedure with flying colors. One day, one step, at a time. I wish the Greene Turtle was in Boston - but since it is not - we'll be buying lots of raffle tickets long-distance. Love you Michael - and thinking about you always - Aunt Nancy and Uncle Ray

Anonymous said...


My prayers and thoughts are with y ou.

Jennifer Sullivan