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Friday, January 14, 2011

Mike's In the Hospital

Hello Freinds,

I wanted to update you all on Mike. He had to be admitted to the hospital Wednesdy evening for Pnuemonia, again.  He is at Shady Grove Adventist. Romm 4a18.

I is pretty sick right now but slowly on the mend.  He will probably be in here till at least Monday, so if anyone has time stop by to cheer him up.

Mike was doing really well up until New Years eve, but started to get sick then.  The pressure uslcer he has has been really improving and hopefully will be gone in about another month.

The winter has him down a little since he really cant go out as much and the weather at the cabin has been freezing.  Cozy inside by the wood stove, but not so good outside even by the fire.  He wanteed to get to do some hunting with his crossbow this year and we got everything sedt up and customized for him to use, but the weather has not cooperated, so we will have to put off the actual hunting until the fall, but we can do a lot of practicing between now and then.

As soon as the weather breaks, we are going to work on his floating dock for the river and get down to some real fishing.

I'll keep the blog up to date on Mike's hospital stay.


Kristen Lewis said...

Thanks for the update Jeff. I am thinking about Mike everyday. Please send him my love!
Love Kristen

Aunt Nan said...

Jeff, thanks for this update. I was hoping that this winter would be a mild one - in particular so that Mike could do the things he so enjoys, but that will have to wait a bit now. I was fortunate to reach him on Monday night after he came home - much improved, thank God - after his bout with pneumonia. He sounded much stronger and certainly happy to be out of the hospital. As Kristen says, we think of Mike every single day. Thanks for taking such great care of him every single day! We love him. Also great to see the calendar events coming up - May 9 for golf?? I couldn't find the info, though, on the scooter raffle.
Auntie Nan