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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Update on Mike

Mike is still in ICU and his condition has worsened.  His left lung continued to get worse and started to collapse, so the have him on a ventilator and asleep.  They have suctioned the fluids out and are watching him really closely now.  He will probably be asleep for a few days so that he can recover and give his body and lung a chance to rest. Also to be sure the antibiotics have a chance to take hold so that he does not have a relapse.

I will keep everybody posed as the days go by.



Kristen said...

I'm so sorry to hear this news. Please give my love to Mike. This is all so unfair.
love Kristen

Aunt Nancy said...

As Kristen says, this is incredibly unfair. I just spoke with Jean today who reports that Mike's left lung has been mostly cleared of fluid and is much better than Sunday's report. Though it will take some time - he is rallying and will soon be home and okay. LOVE TO ALL - Aunt Nan

Robin said...

Unfair is an understatement...I wish Mike didn't have to go through any of this! Please send my love and well wishes!