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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Update March 16 - Mike

I was with Mike yesterday and he looks fantastic.  His Pulmonologist came in and reduced his oxygen assist again and said he was doing great.  He is starting the paperwork for Medicare requesting a Cough Assist Machine at  home.  I finally met Dr. Chary, who was supposed to be his Dr all along but was on vacation Mike's first week there.  He said "looks like you are about to get out of here" and started talking about some different medications to start getting Mike back to is home meds and doses.  He is a little worried about his wound and getting that fixed but we will deal with that a little later after he gets home for a few weeks.  It may be wishful thinking but I am hoping for early next week for Mike to be home.



Kristen said...

Yay!!!!! That's great news! Thanks for the update Jeff. Give Mike my love.

Aunt Susan said...

Everything is finally looking up. Can't wait for Mike to finally be home! He as been through quite an ordeal and getting home and back to his routine and friends will make things so much better. It will be such a relief to you and everyone knowing Mike is finally well and back home. Give MIke a big hug. Love to all,
Aunt Susan