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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mike still at Shady Grove

Mike has been moved to another room where he can be even more closely monitored. His pnuemonia is improving, but slowly and they want to make sure his lungs are clear before he goes home. We're hoping he will be home by the weekend.

Remember the Poker Run is this Saturday and ends at the Middlebrook Inn in Germantown. There is not a set time, althught we anticipate the late afternoon is a good bet. This part of the fundraiser is NOT just for motorcucle riders and everyone is encouraged to come and eat and drink and have fun! Please call me at 240-731-4775 of red at 240-988-6573 during the afternoon if you want to come by and need to know the time to do so!



The Connelly's said...

Please keep us posted on Mike. I will try to get over there to see him tomorrow at lunch time. Hopefully he will get out sooner rather then later.
We will also do our best to meet everyone at the Middlebrook Inn on Saturday! Randy has to work so we have to play it by ear.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the update on Mike. While the news is good that his pneumonia is improving and the best course is to keep him longer for monitoring and to be sure his lungs are totally clear - he must really be ready to come home. Let's do hope it is by the weekend. I hope that the Poker Run and party at its conclusion is another fun and successful event. Love to all, Aunt Nancy