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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mom is home-Mike hopefully will be soon.

Our mom came home today around noon and reports that she is feeling OK. We are waiting to hear the final word on the biopsy, but she said the doctor's have told her they "feel confident" it is not Cancer. We hope to have an official word by early next week. Thank you to everyone for all their kind words and thoughts.

Mike is supposed to be speaking with his doctors today and will hopefully have a clearer picture on when he will be able to come home. Originally, we were told today or tomorrow, but are not sure. We will keep you posted on this, but he has been doing a little better with the pain each day according to dad and Erin.



Anonymous said...


Wonderful news about your Mom coming home already; when I spoke with her earlier today, she sounded great. I too feel confident about what the doctors are saying so far and that she will be fine. She too thought that Mike would be going home today as well; let's hope that if not today, then tomorrow. So long as Mike's pain is being managed, he must be more than ready to leave. As you said in yesterday's post, it is time to focus on the rest of the year ahead and put these issues behind us. Amen. Love you all - Aunt Nancy

Shannon said...

SO glad that your Mom is home, and I will keep her in my prayers. I hope Mikey gets to come home soon, but I'm happy to hear that he is dealing with the pain okay. Such a soldier I tell ya!

Keep us posted:)