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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Todays Update

I spoke to both Mike's doctors first thing this morning and they seemed confident that Mike was going to be ok.  Dr Caravelle said this was the best thing for Mike and that it will definately speed his recovery.  He was very positive about the trach and reassured me that it could be reveresed eventually and even if he had it for several months he would still be able to talk with it in and eat normally etc.  He will not have to have oxygen connected to it at all times, or even sometimes possibly.  It may just remaiun there in case he gets sick after he comes home so they will have easy access to his lungs. We will see.  Dr John said not to look at this as a set back but a progression in Mike's healing and recovery and that he will definately be happier and more comfortable this this than the ventilator down his throat.

I spoke to his nurse and she said she thought they may have postponed his proceedures.  I will find out shortly.  That may mean he has gotten a little better since yesterday but i am not sure.  More updates later today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Today is MUCH better than yesterday - Mike is our hero is all I can say. And his doctors seem so positive and reassuring - which helps a great deal. Mike's strength, patience, and courage leave me speechless. So happy to hear that after all this time or ups and downs - that Mike is back on the upswing. Thanks for this update. Love to all, Aunt Nancy