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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Great Link...Tons of Information and Resources!

I found this site (I'm sure someone else has also come across it) and thought it was great!  It provides tons of resources, information and detail. Definitely check it out: www.sci-info-pages.com

Love you Mikey,


Aunt Susan said...

Robin, that looked like a valuable source for information on SCI.

Mike and family, thinking of all of you constantly and remaining hopeful that Mike will continue to do well with his rehabilitation. We are all counting on it. Love to you and see you again soon. Stay strong.
Love, Aunt Susan

Anonymous said...

The www.sci-info-pages.com site that Robin found contains information on everything relating to SCI that all of us need to know. Thanks Robin.

Mike, Jean, Jeff and family - we are all on this road together - and good progress will happen day by day in rehabilitation - along with hope, courage and a whole lot of love and support.

Stay positive and strong Michael - and so will we. We will be talking soon and seeing you again soon. LOVE YOU so very much.

Anonymous said...

Mike, good luck on your recovery! We still need to go riding together and I look forward to that day no matter when it is. We have been following your progress thru Steve and your dad. Keep working hard, and we can't wait to see you at home.

Carey, Sue, & Bryce Apple Max too!